Alien Love Read online

Page 4

  “I need a little help.”

  Maurice nodded. “That’s why I’m here. You just name it.”

  “I need to find out who Mike Scarpo works for now and what duty station he calls home. I think he’s locked Pete up somewhere, and I want to find out where so I can break him out.”

  Maurice’s eyes widened. “That’s crazy talk. You’re talking about twenty years of hard labor, if they don’t shoot you first.”

  “Let me worry about that. I can probably get my shrink to testify I didn’t take my meds and didn’t know what I was doing.”

  “The word is that Scarpo is with some special unit. He got himself transferred after you left. I’ll try to find out where he calls home, but I have to be careful. I got myself a wife and kid now.”

  “Don’t do anything risky. Just see what you can find out. I really appreciate you coming. I guess I know who my friends are now.”

  Maurice stood up. “I can’t promise exactly when, but I’ll text you and set up a meeting if I hear something. Give me a few days. One of my buddies will be returning later this week from some special assignment in New Mexico.”

  Jack stood and they shook hands very solemnly. Jack took his time finishing his drink after Maurice left, ordered some appetizers, and thought about what he should do next. There was no sense in getting his team together until he knew where Scarpo worked and if he really had Pete. Hang in there, Pete, he thought. He’d settle up with Scarpo the next time they met.

  Jack climbed into his car and drove across the bridge as he headed home. He monitored his rearview mirror and side mirrors and thought he saw a black sedan following him. He pulled onto the 163 and monitored the car now two cars behind him. Suddenly he changed lanes and swerved onto the 805. He wasn’t surprised to see the black sedan following him.

  Jack remembered he’d left his Sig Sauer in its usual hiding place in his raincoat. Fat good that did him now! He didn’t trust the toy-like weapon in his pocket even though it did plenty of damage to the man who attacked Cassandra. He didn’t panic, though, because his training kicked in as he began developing a plan. The freeway traffic moved smoothly despite the narrowing of lanes with the convergence of the 5 and 805. He knew whoever was following him wouldn’t try anything until he exited to a less heavily traveled road. Jack grew up in San Diego and attended college there, so he had a clear mental map of the major streets. He searched his mind for what he needed.

  He exited in Carlsbad at Palomar Airport road and headed east toward San Marcos. He knew this road had been designed by Carlsbad city planners to carry most of the commerce heading inland and that large delivery trucks and vans routinely used it. He knew that his vintage Pontiac Fury with flames painted near the headlights had plenty of power, so he moved to the far left lane and floored his gas pedal. The car shot forward. When he saw the black sedan speed up and move directly behind him, he realized that the driver was skilled enough to keep up with him.

  Jack timed it so he would pass Aviara Parkway just as the light turned red. The black sedan drove right through the red light without pausing as several cars honked at it. I shouldn’t expect him to follow the rules of the road when he’s trying to kill me, he thought and then smiled to himself as he anticipated his next move. He saw a left turn lane ahead and calculated the speed of oncoming traffic. It was going to be too close for comfort.

  He slowed only slightly as he moved into the left turn lane and then executed a U-turn so quickly that his tires screeched. Hearing the frenzied honking and sensing the approaching traffic, he floored the accelerator and felt his car explode forward. He looked in his rearview mirror and saw the black sedan begin a U-turn just as a large produce delivery truck approached. As Jack anticipated, the truck traveled much too fast for its brakes to slow in time. The black sedan made a sickening crunching sound as it slammed into the median, bounced off, and tried to straighten its wheels just as a motorcycle cop put on his flashing lights and came up beside it.

  Jack smiled and kept driving. The cop no doubt called in the license plate of the sedan, so it wouldn’t do the driver any good to shoot the officer. Right now the driver only faced reckless driving charges. In all likelihood he would flash a special ID card resulting in his release after a single phone call. His smile faded as Jack suddenly had a thought that made his blood run cold. Scarpo must have someone following him.

  Jack drove home and settled in for the night. He watched a rerun of an old game on the NFL channel, but he couldn’t give the game his full attention because his mind focused too much on Scarpo and Pete. He wondered if the black sedan’s driver was in jail or spying on him from somewhere in the parking lot. His gut warned that trouble was coming, so he retrieved his gun and stuffed it in his pocket.

  He shut off the television around ten that night and started to head to his bedroom when someone knocked on his door. It wasn’t Scarpo’s “take no prisoner’s” kind of knock. He heard three short gentle knocks, as if someone were apologetic for coming so late. He pulled aside the curtains and his jaw dropped when he recognized the figure. He quickly opened the door.

  “Can I come in?” Cassandra said.

  “Sure,” Jack said and stepped aside to let her pass. He bolted the door behind her, but she didn’t seem surprised by his action.

  She wore a dark green blouse that hung tightly across her chest. Her eyes reflected that color and made them look green. Her jeans hugged her hips. Jack couldn’t see her aura, but he realized the bright lighting in the living room obscured it. In any event, there were no black shadows to worry about. The purple bruise still discolored one side of her face and made her look vulnerable. Jack desired to put his arms around her and protect her. She walked through the living room, picking up objects occasionally and examining them and then continued through the kitchen and before stopping to glance into the bathroom. Jack followed her, completely puzzled by her actions. She continued on to the bedroom before stopping and turning to him.

  “This is your bedroom.”

  She said it as a statement and not as a question, but Jack nodded anyway. She turned to him and lifted her head so she was looking directly in his eyes.

  “I am very grateful that you saved me.” She spoke so softly that he had to strain to hear her.

  “You’ve already thanked me. We’re square. I just happened to be there at the right time. I’m sure anyone would have done the same.”

  “No, that’s not true. I want to thank you in a very special way.”

  Jack started to object, but Cassandra pulled her blouse over her head. She did it quickly and efficiently without any artistry or flirtatiousness, far more like someone stripping for a physical exam than a pole dancer trying to entice her audience. Her hands fumbled as she unhooked and removed her bra. Her breasts were flawless. Jack saw her erect nipples and felt himself stirring but couldn’t get one thought out of his mind. It’s been such a long time. I wonder if everything down there still works.

  Cassandra proceeded to kick off her shoes and pull off her slacks. Clad only in her panties now, she began to pull Jack’s shirt over his head as he helped her. She stared at his chest, mesmerized.

  “I’ve never seen such muscles.”

  Jack pulled off his pants and felt his penis press hard against his shorts. He removed them and then lifted Cassandra and carried her to the bed. He pulled off her panties in one motion. Her body was smooth as glass without even a trace of hair, not even any fuzz on her arms. Jack noted the lack of any pubic hair and wondered just how painful waxing must have been. He marveled at her perfectly round belly button along with her perfect breasts.

  Jack kissed her hard and dug his lips into hers. At first she didn’t respond. In fact, she started to pull away from him, but then almost immediately she moved closer and returned his kisses. He shoved his tongue down her mouth, and it rattled her enough so that she pulled her face away. Okay, I better take this slowly and gently Jack thought as he began to kiss her neck and heard her breathing quicken. He rubb
ed his hand across one of her breasts and began caressing her nipples. She gasped again and moaned. He felt himself pulse as her excitement fueled his own.

  He forced himself to slow down because he wanted to make their first time perfect. He used his hands and tongue on her, and then he placed his hand on her clit and softly massaged it until he felt she was ready.

  “I’ve got condoms in the drawer. Hold up just a second while I unwrap one,” Jack said.

  He started to reach for the drawer, but Cassandra put her hand on his arm to restrain him. “Everything will be fine. I want to feel you inside.”

  Jack turned and balanced himself on his elbows, but he ran into a wall as he tried to enter her. He paused, puzzled.

  “Is something wrong?”

  She’s a virgin. Why the hell didn’t she tell me? She wants me to continue, though. Jack thrust himself down as hard as he could and felt something give. Suddenly he was inside her.

  Cassandra gasped.

  “It should feel better soon.” Jack shifted both of them on to their sides so that his weight would not be on her.

  He began moving rhythmically. At first Cassandra did not respond, and then her hips started moving as well. Jack began to move his hips faster. He felt a slight tremble, and then he felt Cassandra’s body responding. She was trembling now. Suddenly she screamed, and he felt her orgasm. Her reaction caused him to explode inside her. Time seemed to slow down. He held her as Cassandra tried to catch her breath.

  Jack kissed her deeply and put his arms around her, drawing her more closely to him. She was perfect. He felt like his senses were tuned to a much higher level than ever before, yet he couldn’t detect her scent despite her perspiration. He ran his fingers through her hair, and he felt her respond to his touch with another orgasm. He moved a hand slowly down her body, marveling at the smoothness everywhere, including her thighs.

  “Are you sure you don’t have any kids?” Cassandra asked softly.

  The words startled Jack. “I told you I didn’t have any children. If I’m a father, I’d sure as hell know it.”

  “But you are capable of being a father…aren’t you?”

  Jack flushed. “Yeah, I guess. Why are you asking me those questions?”

  “I feel different. Maybe I’m pregnant,” Cassandra said softly.

  Jack sat up and felt cold sweat run down his back. “Jesus. I thought you had some protection. You didn’t say anything.”

  “I’m just being silly because it’s much too soon to know.”

  Jack just stared at her and thought, I win the lottery, and she turns out to be crazy. Why talk about babies? What are the odds of a baby if you only do it once?

  “Tell me about your parents,” Cassandra said.


  “I just want to know more about you now that we’ve had sex.” She seemed oblivious to Jack’s reaction.

  “It might be better if you called it ‘making love.’ When I realized you were a virgin, I should have stopped. That first time should be special. It should be with someone you’ve known for a while. We don’t even know each other.”

  “We know each other now. I thought you liked me. Are you saying we shouldn’t have made love?” The phrase sounded odd the way Cassandra said it.

  “Of course I like you, and you’re a woman who can decide what she wants to do with her body. It’s been great and everything, but I think you need to go home now,” Jack said and thought, God, I’ve never kicked anyone out of my bed. I can’t believe what I’m doing, but she’s nuttier than a fruitcake. Maybe I’ll wake up and find I just dreamed this. That would make more sense.

  “Did I say something wrong?”

  “I don’t know why you want to get pregnant, but I’m not the guy for that. I’m asking you to please go.” He rolled off the bed and started to put on his clothes.

  Cassandra watched him for a couple of minutes. Then she rose and showed no embarrassment as she stood there naked. She paused and then and began dressing as well. Neither spoke. Finally she walked to the door, unbolted it and left without saying a word. Jack looked through the window and watched her disappear. He bolted the door once again and sat down in his favorite chair.

  His mind was racing. I doubt I’ll ever get to sleep tonight. How could someone that hot and willing still be a virgin? Why does she talk the way she does? Why did she make me feel like I’m just a piece of meat?

  Chapter 6

  JACK WOKE to bright sunlight streaming into his room. He reached for his notepad, and checked off the “No Nightmare” column while noting that he didn’t have a headache. He whistled for the first time in months as he washed, dressed quickly, and made some coffee. He couldn’t get Cassandra out of his mind. Why do the most beautiful ones have to be crazy? He hungered for her even though he knew she spelled trouble. Gradually his thoughts turned to Pete. He glanced at his bookshelf, noticed his high school yearbook, and suddenly he realized John McCray was the perfect person to help him, assuming his old friend wasn’t locked up in some loony bin.

  He checked his watch. If he hurried, he could reach El Camino High in time to catch Mrs. Rollins between classes. He knew that the woman considered her lunch hour inviolate, and she wouldn’t respond to any students knocking on the door to the teacher’s lounge during that time.

  Jack parked in a loading zone because students occupied all the legal parking spaces. As he jogged across the campus, he remembered what it had felt like to be a BMOC. He still remembered the game with the Oceanside Pirates and how Suzie looked in her cheerleader outfit. He signed the register in the Principal’s office and put on a visitor’s badge and smiled when he recognized the trophy case in the corner as well as the trophy for winning the California Division II championship. His team had gone undefeated.

  He followed a path that led past the cafeteria and noticed that the grass needed cutting. Someone had painted over graffiti on the wall, but the shadow was still visible. He reached the math and science wing and turned in the direction of Room 101. Mrs. Rollins never changed rooms.

  He visited her during a vacation break from college many years ago, and she told him that she intended to keep her room until she retired or they had to carry her out feet first. He arrived just as the lunch bell sounded. Students poured out of the room. He realized some things never change as he identified the gangbangers, the nerds, the jocks, and even a few preppies as they hurried past him without giving him a second look. He glanced in and saw Mrs. Rollins shaking her head emphatically while she corrected an equation a student had written on the board.

  Finally the student left and Mrs. Rollins gathered her bag and stuffed in her book and papers. She started for the door but stopped when she saw Jack.

  “Jack, is that really you?”

  “Yes, ma’am. It’s great seeing you again.”

  Mrs. Rollins wore her gray hair in a tight bun. Everything about her reflected her preference for efficiency over show. She frowned and pursed her lips before continuing. “I remember reading something about you leaving the Navy. I forget the details, but it sounded messy. Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine now. I wanted to ask you about someone in my class.”

  “Sure, I try to keep up with as many of my gang as I can, especially the ones who took calculus with me. I’m so proud of you, valedictorian with a math major! I still use you as an example.”

  “College math was a snap after your classes. I wondered if you still kept in touch with John McCray.”

  “You mean Hawk?”

  Jack smiled. He hadn’t heard that nickname for years. McCray’s beak and small eyes did make him look like a hawk. Still, he never met anyone smarter when it came to science and math.

  “I lost track of him. Didn’t he go to Cal Tech?”

  Mrs. Rollins nodded her head sadly. “He’s the only student I ever taught who went to Cal Tech. He graduated with honors in math and physics. Can you imagine? He came back here when his father passed away and took over his business.”

  “You mean the mortuary?”

  “Yes, he visited me once, and I told him to hire someone and go into science. He’s much too brilliant to waste his talents as an undertaker.”

  “I don’t want to keep you from lunch any longer. I need to talk with him about something.” Mrs. Rollins blue eyes still shone brightly. Her hand gripped Jack’s arm and he felt her strength. “Did you ever marry Suzie? You seemed like the perfect couple.”

  Jack realized he’d clenched his jaw and tried to relax it. “No, we just couldn’t agree on some things. I haven’t seen her in years. She probably has five kids by now.”

  Mrs. Rollins still held his arm tightly. “I hear she never married. She came back after college and works for Zynx. She still comes over here to see me occasionally. You ought to say hello.”

  Jack freed his arm. “I’ll come back and we can talk when we both have more time. It’s great seeing you again.” He hugged the small woman and then headed to the door. He looked back and saw the teacher remove a tissue from her purse and dab her eyes.

  He thought about Suzie. If she hadn’t agreed with Dad, then maybe they might have had a life together. She never understood that. He still remembered their last conversation when he told her he’d joined the Navy right after college graduation and intended to become a SEAL.

  Jack took El Camino Real to Cannon Road and then turned down the road leading to the McCray Mortuary. As he pulled into the parking lot, he noticed only two cars, both parked in staff parking spots. As he entered the building he caught the faint odor of formaldehyde. That smell triggered memories of high school biology and, of course, frog dissection. Hawk had delighted in pulling pranks that would have gotten anyone else expelled. Once he had attached thin, almost invisible, wires to a frog already cut open for dissection. When the teacher neared the dissected creature, it suddenly began thrashing and making the most inhuman croaking sounds. Miss Harris had screamed and bolted from the room. Later Hawk explained to his friends how he sent electrical signals to nerves in the frog’s legs and throat.